Miron Starovetskyi Mikhailovich (1936-1997) - known in Ukraine and outside teacher on trumpet:
After graduating with honors from the Lviv School of Music, and then Conservatoire. Lysenko in 1963, Myron Starovetskogo was sent to work in Ternopil Musical College. Krushelnytska. Here for 35 years he worked as a teacher in the class of the pipe. During the period of creative activity talented teacher has prepared over 100 musicians, who now proudly represent the school of performing his Master. Among them - Honored Artist of Ukraine, professor of the Lviv Music Academy Roman Nakonechny, Honored Artist of Ukraine, professor of Donetsk musical academy Vladimir Podolchuk; professor Odessa Music Academy. Nezhdanova Igor Boruch, associate professor of the Ural Conservatoire. Musorskogo Nathan Bearman and others. Pedagogical experience Miron Starovetskogo continue his students, now teachers Ternopil musical college named. Krushelnytska Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Bogdan Protsak and Bogdan Zhegray. Dozens of his students are working in the schools of aesthetic education, artists, professional orchestras in Ukraine, as well as in the United States, Canada, Israel, France.

In order to perpetuate the memory of Myron Starovetskogo who gave to the altar of the musical culture of his heart and talent, the grateful students founded in 1999, competition for young trumpeters, giving him the name of his unforgettable teacher. First, the competition had the status of the all-Ukrainian, and later became international. In 2006, international competition is held for the second time in two years in 2008 - the third, and fourth time in 2010.
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site was created using muz.colledge im.S.A.Krushelnytskoyi initiatives and director of competition Zhyghraj B.B

V International Myron Starovetskyi Competition for young trumpeters
Requirements for application

Міністерство культури  туризму України  I  Управління культури Тернопільської державної адміністрації  I  Тернопільська міська рада  I  Управління культури та туризму Тернопільської міської ради  I  Міський відділ у справах сім'ї,молоді та спорту  I  Тернопільське обласне державне музичне училище ім С.А.Крушельницької.Minstry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine, I Department of Culture I Ternopil state administration I Ternopil city council I Department of Culture and Tourism I Ternopil City Council City Department of Family, Youth and Sports I Ternopil Regional State Music College S.A. Krushelnytska ITernopil Regional Philarmonic I Министерство культуры туризма Украины I Управление культуры Тернопольской государственной администрации I Тернопольский городской совет I Управление культуры и туризма Тернопольского городского совета I Городской отдел по делам семьи, молодежи и спорта I Тернопольское областное государственное музыкальное училище им С. А. Крушельницкой.
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